Comments on: Surviving Finland: Music/2016/06/17/surviving-finland-music/Blog about my travels and adventures around the worldFri, 16 Dec 2016 13:29:28 +0000hourly1 Neidotta/2016/06/17/surviving-finland-music/comment-page-1/#comment-199Sat, 18 Jun 2016 15:23:44 +0000 reply to rommel.

Hi and thanks for your comment! I would love to hear more about those music genres you have had posts about. I have come to the conclusion that I will write what ever I want to my blog because it is my blog and the place for me to save my thoughts so writing something that is not quite what I usually do is okay once in a while 🙂


By: rommel/2016/06/17/surviving-finland-music/comment-page-1/#comment-195Sat, 18 Jun 2016 12:27:18 +0000 – I had a post with all Italian music and one all Filipino music. I also fear that it may not fit among my posting pattern. If anything, you are introducing a country’s culture. A good one at that. The first one is kind of weird. Happy tune, but from your explanation, a sad song about an unusual story into a song. Nice shares!

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By: Neidotta/2016/06/17/surviving-finland-music/comment-page-1/#comment-192Fri, 17 Jun 2016 12:21:27 +0000 reply to Suvi.

Good that other people like that song too! It was big hit in my kindergarten when I was kid. Thanks for commenting 🙂

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By: Suvi/2016/06/17/surviving-finland-music/comment-page-1/#comment-191Fri, 17 Jun 2016 12:06:30 +0000, I always sang the “Hammaspeikot lakoon” song to my kids during bedtime. Won’t reveal what the song is about but it goes well with one of the things you need to do before going to sleep 😛

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By: Neidotta/2016/06/17/surviving-finland-music/comment-page-1/#comment-190Fri, 17 Jun 2016 09:54:36 +0000 reply to gelfo07.

Your soundtrack sounds good! I have heard most of those but don’t know so many Sami singers/rappers so now I have new music listen to (I live near Tampere so don’t know so many North artists) Thanks for commenting! 🙂

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By: gelfo07/2016/06/17/surviving-finland-music/comment-page-1/#comment-189Fri, 17 Jun 2016 09:35:50 +0000 lived for almost 2 years in Finland – though I don’t know many of these singers and rappers that you wrote about 😀
Thanks for posting this, I listened to all of the songs.

I make a CD ‘soundtrack’ compilation for every country that I live in based on the music that summarised that period of my life. My Finnish soundtrack includes: Kuningas Pahkina and Seta Tamu (Hei Scully), Erin (Vanha Nainen hunningolla), Poju (Poika Saunoo), Slincraze, Ailu Valle (both are Sami rappers), Annamaret and various other Sami singers. (I was mainly based in the very north). I’m not saying that these are my favourites or anything, they just happened to be some of the songs and musicians that I associate with my stay in Finland.

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