Photo Diary: Finnish Forest

Today’s Fearless Travel Friday (am I really naming this like that?) has subject that’s close to my heart. Today I am going to present photo diary from last spring. And this is not just any travel diary… The destination was Finnish forest, the place I feel most peaceful and safe.

The sun was shining (well, not really it was quite cloudy…) and all the snow had melted so I wanted to go for small getaway with my dog. After Finland’s long winter I always yearn for green forests and quiet peaceful walks in middle of nowhere. So I got my dog, hiking books and headed towards the closest national park called Seitseminen.

Someone wasn’t as thrilled about this trip to forest as I was…

I have visited Seitseminen million times but this was my first time driving there by myself so of course I got lost. What I didn’t know at that point was how wrong this small trip would go. Like usually everything I screwed I everything and all the possible things were against me getting nice travel experience.

When I finally found the park I though my perfect day would start. The first thing I had to do was get map from the park’s information center. Because you can’t take dogs inside I decided to leave her for a moment inside the car. Between me and the information was huge hill that was full of slippery ice. (I had though all snow had already melted how the heck was there ice?!?)

So I almost crawled on my knees up the hill. I had just done my small victory dance when loud alarm startled me. My dog had somehow set off the car’s alarm system. Now between me and the embarrassingly loud car was that same icy hill. I tried to go down carefully but ended up falling down and sliding down on my butt.

After shutting down the alarm, walking up the hill with my dog and finding place for my dog to wait outside I felt like winner. Nothing else would go wrong with this trip! Well at least I though so…

Going to the information center was totally embarrassing because I was probably the only visitor in whole park at that time. The nice person helping me totally knew that I was behind the earlier loud alarm. She also looked me oddly when I realized (and lightly panicked) that I had forgot my snacks and water bottle. But even if I seemed like total dork I get map and was finally able to leave to the forest.

It took me few seconds to realize that in fact it wasn’t yet spring but rather winter in the forest. There snow and ice everywhere, I didn’t have enough clothes and it was almost impossible to take photos and hold my super exited dog at the same time. I could have turned around but giving up has never been part of my personality. With insane bravery I walked deeper in to the green darkness.

After walking a while I found the quietness and peace I came for. Few birds were singing and I felt like this was my home. This was the place I had missed every time I went abroad. I don’t have words to describe the rest of my walk. Perfect, refreshing, everything I needed in my stressful life.

Then after walking for good five kilometers (falling over every now and then because of the ice) I came to the end of the forest path. In front of me was yet another icy rise to climb. Of course I sprained my ankle… Well I was able to drive back home (not safe to do that so please don’t follow my example!) and never mentioned my not so successful trip.

There is one more funny thing in this trip. It is part of the reason that I started writing this blog more seriously. The thing is there was this ‘summer job’ in Finland for blogger and I tried to apply for it and my blogging subject was this trip. Like you see I didn’t get the place but like usually when I’m rejected I want to show everyone that I can do it.

The rest is history! Well not history but during juny and july I got over 500 readers for my own travel blog even if I didn’t write everyday like in the job I would have done. I know those people who didn’t hire will never know what they missed when not taking me in but I feel quite good about that. And nowadays I would not imagine my life without blogging.

So thank you for reading my blog! And not judging me even if some of the posts are super boring stuff like this. Thank you!

This is how my super lazy companion tried to hide from me after our trip. Don’t worry she is only playing angry and in reality we both love our forest adventures like nothing else.

I hope you enjoyed today’s post. Next week I will be on London so I’m not yet sure if I have time to write post for Friday.

By the way does anyone have tips for me what to do in London? I’m going with me sister and we have both been there before so we are trying to come up with something fun to do. Any suggestions are appreciated!

I hope you will have amazing weekend!
With love,

Viivi Severina

My Dream Trips

After starting my travel blog I planned to continue traveling a lot but bad luck (or evil spirits) have prevented me. I have been quite sick so leaving my home has been no-no. Fortunately I have a lot of memories, advice, thoughts and pictures to share with you! So don’t worry internet (and my bad luck) nothing can’t defeat me.

Due to my sickness I have spent too much time daydreaming and especially planning my future adventures. Today I would like to share my favorite ones with you… Enjoy!


Working on Cruise Ship

I know this is not glamorous job. It’s hard work and many people are complaining about the pay, working conditions and hours. My aim wouldn’t be to fund my future travels but rather have experience beyond compare.

I want to wake up every morning in different place and spend hours after hours looking to the endless sea. Living without internet and phone. Getting to know interesting people around the world, hear their stories and share some of mine.

Only negative side is how I can get shy about speaking in English so I probably would only be able to work as cleaner. However I liked to clean in hostel so I don’t think the job is a lot different in cruise ship…


Seoul, South Korea

First time I heard about South Korea was ten years ago when I had my first encounter with kpop (Korean pop music). It took quite many years before I got interested about the land and not just their music. After visiting Japan last year and hearing there too many times how I should go to Korea I have been dreaming about visiting there soon.

I just happen to love Korean food so this trip may end in bad way (aka me not fitting in the airplane…) but I am ready to risk it. Of course after spending some time there I may stay forever like almost happened with Japan so fitting in airplane will not be my biggest problem.

Ideally I would like to visit Seoul, Busan and Jeju. Seoul is the capital city forming from many smaller cities. Busan is the second largest city and known for its beaches, nature and harbor. Jeju island is full of tourism and there is wide variety thing to do (for me I want to see the nature and go hiking!)


Working Holiday Australia

Work and holiday together. I think it’s perfect way for me to spend one year! Australia has been on my bucket list since forever. In school we got to know its amazing nature and animals. From TV-series (Dance Academy and some other teen series) I fell in love with the settings, cities and culture.

It’s very expensive to go in Australia and I’m scared of the getting job part but it would be adventure. I’m craving for the excitement and danger right now! I need challenges to live peacefully and this would be right one for me.

It takes a lot of work and planning but I may go next year. Or if not then definitely sometime in future.


Hiking E10

European long distance hiking paths (shortened as E-paths) have interested me for long time. How cool would it be to hike through Europe? I decided E10 trail as the one I would do first because it goes thru whole Finland (my home country). Its lengths is about  2,880 km so this would be a long task to do.

The path starts near Finland’s and European Union’s northernmost place. Then it goes through Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Italy, France and Spain. It would be difficult adventure because parts of the trail (mostly in Finland) aren’t officially known. For example in Finland some info is only found in old literature so I should do detective work before the trip.

I have always loved nature and solitude so this one is on the top of my bucket list.


Family Holiday to Paradise

I don’t have specific destination for this one. Somewhere warm with all-inclusive luxury hotel. Adventure trips for me and my sister, being on poolside for my brother and amazing food for all of us to enjoy together.

We had one this kind of trip to Egypt when I was younger. Everyone had fun time and we experienced many new things like seeing dolphins and eating too much free ice cream. I wouldn’t mind doing that again.

I’m still living with my family but moving away soon. This would be perfect thing to do before that.



Maybe I will share more of my dreams some time (trust me I have millions of them!). So what are your dream travel destinations? Or do you have some good tips for me? I would be happy to hear your opinions.

So see you next time!

Viivi Severina